About Me

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San Diego, Ca, United States
Hello my name is Jenny I am the mom of 3 wonderful children. My oldest is a very active toddler, Owen. Always exploring and discovering his world around him. Emily is our middle child, full of energy and always ready to explore her world. My is my beautiful baby girl, Kaley. She can melt your heart with her smile. I am Also the wife of a supportive and loving husband, Dave.  We live in san Diego. We just brought our 1st home. When I am not spending time with my family I am in my craft room. This blog is a place for me to share with you fun actives our family enjoys, crafts, spending time together, food, and home improvements and many more. Please join us in our journey.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Toy bath!!

To help fight the running nose germs. I try to clean the toys that Owen and his friends play with. With his birthday party coming up I thought today was a perfect day to give his toys a bath. To get ready I explain to Owen that we are giving his toys a bath to get them clean just like when we give him a bath. First up are his building blocks. I fill the sink with hot water and add bleach. I want Owen to think he is helping me out. So I grab a large plastic blow and add some water and dish soap, I also give him a wooden spoon. We count together 3 blocks and put them in his bowl. I dump the rest in the sink. We both stir the blocks in the water to make sure the get clean. And of course making sound effects. Singing and sound effects always make cleaning fun to a 2 year old. I let the blocks in the sink soak to make sure all the little germs are killed.
Toy cars are next. We are off to find them .

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