About Me

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San Diego, Ca, United States
Hello my name is Jenny I am the mom of 3 wonderful children. My oldest is a very active toddler, Owen. Always exploring and discovering his world around him. Emily is our middle child, full of energy and always ready to explore her world. My is my beautiful baby girl, Kaley. She can melt your heart with her smile. I am Also the wife of a supportive and loving husband, Dave.  We live in san Diego. We just brought our 1st home. When I am not spending time with my family I am in my craft room. This blog is a place for me to share with you fun actives our family enjoys, crafts, spending time together, food, and home improvements and many more. Please join us in our journey.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

A must have for laundry

I want to share a tip with you. I was told that a must have for Landry when you have kids or a messy husband :-). Love ya Dave. The must have is Biz. Having a new born and toddler I use this stuff all the time. If my little Emily has a "blow out" as some of you may know that it is very hard to get that out of their cute little outfits. After getting Emily all cleaned up and in a new cute outfit it is time for me to treat the stain (or soon to be one if left alone). I rinse the fabric out with cold water trying to get as much out as I can that way. Then I fill the sink with cold water and pour some biz in the sink mixing it around with my hand. When I add the outfit I swish it around a little in the water and then let it soak. Every now and then I will have to soak it overnight. I wash the outfit as normal. Now as many if you may know our little ones can have "blow out” anytime and anywhere. To be ready for this I keep a little baggie of biz in a large zip lock bag in our diaper bag. So when it happens I can add the biz to water in the big bag and soak the outfit until I get hone to wash it. I learned the hard way. When Owen was a baby we went to a family reunion and as we pulled in the parking lot he had a big "blow out". I was not ready for this. He still looked cute in his backup outfit. But I was never able to get the stain out. :-( Biz also works great with food stains. Owen is always giving me a challenge in that, his dad too. Do you have a laundry tip?

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